6. Receive
eBook & video tutorial
This image is very special to me in a number of ways. My Mum died of a brain tumour a number of years ago, and when she was going through the last days she so dearly wanted to have one of my paintings. So she chose this one but never got to see it in her own home. You can read in the eBook more of the story and how I have appreciated what she 'gave' to me and what I received as a daughter from her over the years. This exercise is dedicated to my Mum!
This is quite a difficult painting to paint so small! But what a great exercise in practising how to mix skin colours! ENJOY!
Click on image below to download the eBook
Time lapse
Full length tutorial
Watch a full 70 min tutorial on exactly how I paint, what colours I use and where to start and finish too!

A poem written by a friend Joel McKerrow, for this painting:
Joel McKerrow
I have wrinkles set in the palms of my hands.
Lines that have been stretched across the frame of the world.
I have taken the hands of many within my own.
The firm grip of the confident and over-trying,
the limp grip of the scared and the sacred,
the cold grip of a dying friendship,
the warm grip of those who know me well
where handshakes turn to chest upon chest.
Hands are a threshold of our presence,
like the rising-tide fingers that first touch the shore,
like the sunrise rays over the mountains
like the time you took my own with yours
and raised them to your cheek and raised me out of myself.
Hands are the first part of ourselves that we give to another.
They are the first to receive.
They are the first to hold.
They are the first to let go.
I hold love in my hands and let it leak through my fingers,
for when I grip it too tight there is no more for either of us,
so I stretch out my fingers
hold them below the dripping hands of those who look me in the eye,
take their water as my own,
let it find its escape, to give its love,
to the hands of those who have placed them beneath my own.
May I only ever receive so as to give again.
May I posture myself towards you open handed and willing.